The UNMC College of Medicine received grant and funding awards representing nearly $2 million in new funding in December.
Yulong Li, MD, PhD, emergency medicine, received a grant of $658,422 from DHHS/NIH/NHLBI for a study of mechanisms of cardiac sympathetic hyperactivity in chronic heart failure.
Charity Evans, MD, surgery-acute care surgery, received a grant of $237,740 from the city of Omaha for the ENCOMPASS program.
Rebekah Gundry, PhD, cellular and integrative physiology, received a grant of $142,275 from the Medical College of Wisconsin for a study on the surfaceome of human beta and non-beta islet cells.
Melissa Cullimore, MD, PhD, pediatrics-critical care, received a grant of $116,355 from Boston Children’s Hospital for respiratory virus surveillance and COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) in preventing severe COVID-19 multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) and related complications in U.S. children.
Iqbal Javeed, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $47,883 from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to study spatially resolved, single cell biomarkers of B cell lymphoma.
Marius Florescu, MD, internal medicine-nephrology, received a grant of $41,827 from the Universiyt of Missouri-Columbia for the Midwest Biomedical Accelerator Consortium.
Sidharth Mahapatra, MD, PhD, pediatrics-critical care, received a grant of $40,000 from the Edna Ittner Trust Fund UN Foundation for a study targeting B7-H3 (CD276) mitigates tumor aggressiveness in group 3 medulloblastoma.
Scott Westphal, MD, internal medicine-nephrology, received a grant of $19,188 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison for APOLLO-Upper Midwest.
Vika Kumar, PhD, genetics, cell biology and anatomy, received a grant of $11,503 from the University of Iowa to study the SUMO2-p66shc axis in vascular endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.
Industry-sponsored grants and contracts:
The following industry-sponsored grants and contracts were received.
Rana Zabad, MD, neurological sciences, received funding for a study to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of ocrelizumab in patients with MS; and for The MS Leadership and Innovation Network Outcomes Study.
Ann Anderson Berry, MD, PhD, pediatrics-newborn medicine, received funding for the Prevention Pathways Doula Program.
Hanjun Wang, MD, anesthesiology, received funding to study the acute effect of a novel TRPM8 agonist on airway resistance in an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced asthma rat model.
Scott Campbell, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received funding for FDA-CDRH Shield Knowledge Architecture.
Curtis Hartman, MD, orthopaedic surgery, received funding for a retro/prospective multi-centre data capture on REDAPT porous cup and XLPE liners.
Andy Schnaubelt, PhD, internal medicine-infectious diseases, received funding for a study on the functionality of the Streck Viral Extraction Kit.
Patrick Twohig, MD, internal medicine-GI, received funding for a study on improving treatment for patients admitted with hepatic encephalopathy.