IT department hosts 10 Microsoft Office 365 classes

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The UNMC and Nebraska Medicine IT Department will offer 10 classes covering a variety of topics on the Office 365 platform. All classes will be held on Thursdays at noon.

The IT department received input from the med center community requesting a wider variety of Office 365 training classes.

The first class, Microsoft PowerPoint, will be held this week. Use this link to register for the training.

All classes will be recorded and stored in the Information Technology Stream site, which currently holds more than 60 previous training sessions on a variety of technologies.

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  1. Angie Alberico says:

    Are these recorded for those unable to attend due to conflicts to have the opportunity to view and learn at a different time?

    Is there any in-depth training (more than 1-2 hours of an overview) of step-by-step processes on how to create and set up Share Point and Teams correctly to provide a full understanding of format, secure access, etc.

    1. Jeffrey Robb says:

      Q: Are these recorded for those unable to attend due to conflicts to have the opportunity to view and learn at a different time?

      A: These learning opportunities will be recorded and stored in the Information Technology Office 365 stream Channel, which already holds 17 previous recordings. ( Attending the live sessions is encouraged, as additional trainers will be online to answer your questions on the O365 product being discussed using the Q&A functionality.

      Q: Is there any in-depth training (more than 1-2 hours of an overview) of step-by-step processes on how to create and set up Share Point and Teams correctly to provide a full understanding of format, secure access, etc.?

      A: These classes will cover both an overview and provide practical use of the O365 product being discussed.

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