The UNMC College of Medicine received grant and funding awards representing more than $900,000 in new funding in July.
Stacey Gilk, PhD, pathology/microbiology, received a grant of $583,433 from DHHS/NIH/NIAD to study coxiella survival mechanisms in the intracellular niche.
Heather Thomas, MD, pediatric-pulmonology, received a grant of $152,075 from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for the Cystic Fibrosis Care, Teaching and Research Center.
Steven Yeh, MD, ophthalmology and visual sciences, received a grant of $39,914 from Oregon Health and Science University to study NeuroEbola.
Nada Fadul, MD, internal medicine-infectious diseases, received a grant of $15,833 from AIDS United for improving HIV treatment and management in Nebraska using telehealth.
Trevor Vanschooneveld, MD, internal medicine-infectious diseases, received a grant of $2,000 from Johns Hopkins University for a diagnostic stewardship intervention to improve blood culture use among adult patients in acute care hospitals.
Industry-sponsored grants and contracts:
The following industry-sponsored contracts and foundation grants were received.
Jennifer Merickel, PhD, neurological sciences, received funding for a study on developing mechanisms to detect driver risk from driver state in diabetes.
Shaun Thompson, MD, anesthesiology, received funding for the ECMOCARD study.
Congratulations, Jennifer! I really enjoy working with you and the team in MBHL!