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UNMC for the record, June 17, 2022

Michelle McNea to join nursing dean search committee

Michelle McNea, current president of the UNMC College of Nursing Alumni Council, will join the search committee for the new UNMC College of Nursing dean.

McNea, who holds an RN and an MSN, has a variety of experience in the nursing field, especially when it comes to practicing and understanding rural Nebraska.

UNMC’s Kyle Meyer, PhD, dean of the UNMC College of Allied Health Professions, will chair the committee, which includes representation from the medical center, as well as area health systems and academic institutions.

College of Nursing Dean Juliann Sebastian, PhD, has announced plans to retire in early 2023.

Individual retirement meetings on campus

UNMC faculty and staff can schedule individual retirement meetings with TIAA and Fidelity representatives on campus to assist with their retirement account questions and concerns.

 A representative from TIAA will be at UNMC on Wednesday, June 22, Wednesday, July 6, and Tuesday, July 26. One-on-one counseling sessions can be scheduled through TIAA's counseling advice service by calling 1-800-732-8353.

A representative from Fidelity Investments will be at UNMC on Friday, June 24, Thursday, June 30, Wednesday, July 6, and Tuesday, July 19. Call 1-800-642-7131 or go online to schedule an appointment.

CT, X-ray and MRI contrast media shortages: What providers need to know

Nebraska Medicine is reporting that, during a shortage of X-ray based contrast media, an iodine solution injected into patients before CT scans, the hospital's supplier, Bracco Diagnostics, Inc., will now be implementing an allocation restriction. The allocation restriction means that all customer orders will be filled at 90% of their monthly committed order quantities. Bracco representatives have said the situation is fluid and the restriction will be monitored and revised according to supplies.

Recently, leaders from pharmacy and areas that use the iodinated contrast media met and put together some recommended strategies to preserve the hospital supplies. Four suggested steps to help:

  • Limit use to patient care areas only.
  • Open contrast directly before use, and limit waste by using appropriate size vials. 
  • Review the case to ensure contrast is needed or if other exam or procedure could be utilized without contrast. 
  • All outside Nebraska Medicine requests for contrast should be directed to pharmacy leadership. 

As health care providers have responded to the shortage of the iodinated contrast media, many have migrated to alternative procedures that use MRI contrast media. This unprecedented use has now caused a shortage in MRI contrast media too.

Nebraska Medicine also receives its MRI contrast media through Bracco. Earlier this month, Bracco notified customers that it would be allocating monthly supplies based on each organization’s historical ordering patterns. This will continue through at least the end of July. Bracco will monitor non-ionized contrast media inventory to evaluate if allocation will be reduced further.

Food trucks on campus next week

Food truck service on campus during the week of June 20-24 has been scheduled, although service may be inconsistent through summer while students are on break. Trucks will be on campus from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Scheduled food trucks include: 

East end of campus north of the UNMC ice rink:

  • Monday – Kebobs Gyros and Brats
  • Wednesday – La Casa Pizza
  • Thursday – Zemogs

Durham Research Center towers:

  • Friday – Zemogs
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