Research Update – Masking Guidance for Research Spaces

UNMC Research – Space Masking Guidance (updated 3/18/22, effective 3/21/22)

As community cases of COVID continue to decline, UNMC and Nebraska Medicine have changed their masking guidance (issued 3/18/22, effective 3/21/22). The Vice Chancellor for Research Office has decided that masking guidance in research spaces will parallel these recent changes. Considerations for this revised guidance include success with social distancing in laboratories, overall security of laboratories, and that many personnel have no private office space other than within a laboratory.

For these reasons, we have defined research laboratories as private spaces so that masks will not be required in research laboratories with the following caveats and exceptions:

  • All individuals who want to mask or feel more comfortable masking can and should do so. Please support our UNMC colleagues who mask for their safety or the safety of others.
  • Masking is still strongly recommended even though no longer required in laboratories or hallways between labs, support spaces, and offices on research floors
  • Masking should be implemented whenever social distancing cannot be achieved, such as groups huddling around a technology, or small team teaching. Supervisors and leaders will help define these guidelines within their labs.
  • Masking remains required for certain types of research (e.g., BSL-3 work or animal operatory activities) or by occupational health directive (e.g., animal-specific related activities).
  • Masking will be required for certain activities or spaces: Masks will be required for some comparative medicine training activities and in operatory suites, as before. Masking will also be required in some cores where social distancing cannot be achieved. Cores will post signs to alert users at the entry.
  • Masking is required in public spaces of research building per UNMC guidance to include:
    • Entryway or atria (including the DRC commons unless eating)
    • Elevators and elevator lobbies including the landings on each floor
    • Bathrooms
    • Tunnels and walkways between buildings (e.g., skywalk between DRC I and BCC)
    • For labs located close to clinical spaces, it is essential that masking occurs before entering any clinical area.
  • Clinical research and clinical spaces:
    • Masks must be worn by research subjects and research personnel in all patient areas and for any patient or research subject facing activities in any space.
    • For labs located nearby clinical spaces, masking should occur before entering the clinical space
    • Study monitors must be masked when being escorted to a work space but can unmask if that space is deemed as private and they are not a risk to others working in that area based on recent symptoms or exposures.
    • Personnel working in clinical laboratories should follow the guidance of their lab supervisor for that area.
  • Visitors, Volunteers, and Vendors: Masking required.
  • Classroom and conference room meetings & teaching activities in research buildings should follow university guidelines as to masking and density.

Note: If COVID cases increase either inside UNMC or in the community, this guidance may change

Conctact with any questions.

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