Vice Chancellor for Research updates COVID-19 operations (March 2022)

With recent improvement in community COVID-19 cases and changes in overall UNMC guidance, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) has provided the following research-specific COVID guidance (effective 3/4/22):

  • Masks are required inside all buildings, including research buildings, and you must use a surgical, KN95, or N95 face mask. Masks may only be removed while eating in a designated space or when alone in an office with the door shut.
  • International scholar applications are now being accepted by the Office of Global Engagement.
  • Research volunteers are allowed. The unit director and the leader of any other organization where activities occur, such as Children’s Hospital & Medical Center or other community organizations, must approve of volunteers. Volunteers must be fully vaccinated (booster highly recommended). No exemptions will be allowed. Volunteers must follow UNMC masking guidance and policies, and mentors and supervisors must actively orient and supervise research volunteers on-site.
  • Principal investigators are encouraged to oversee their research team activities on-site for their team’s wellbeing, safety, and appropriate oversight of research activities.
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) students are expected to be in person. SURP students must be fully vaccinated (booster highly recommended). No exemptions will be allowed. SURP students must follow UNMC masking guidance and policies, and should be actively oriented and monitored in person while on campus.
  • Data safety monitors should continue to conduct work remotely whenever possible. When required on-site for study initiation, closure, or required time points, monitors must be masked and escorted, and follow all applicable UNMC/Nebraska Medicine policies.

Contact with any research-specific questions. For general COVID questions, contact

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