Distinguished scientist: Roslyn Mannon, MD

Roslyn Mannon, MD

This profile is part of a series to highlight the researchers who will be honored at a ceremony on Feb. 24 for UNMC's 2021 Scientist Laureate, Distinguished Scientist, New Investigator and Community Service to Research Award recipients.

Distinguished Scientist Award

The Distinguished Scientist Award — which is sponsored by the chancellor — recognizes researchers who have been among the most productive scientists at UNMC during the past five years.

  • Name:  Roslyn Bernstein Mannon, MD 
  • Title: Professor of medicine, vice chair of academic development and research mentoring, associate chief of nephrology for research, UNMC College of Medicine 
  • Joined UNMC: Feb. 1, 2020 
  • Hometown: New York City

Research focus: Kidney transplantation 

Why is research important in the world today? Medicine, as a field, has evolved dramatically over the past decades, and these improvements have occurred through the work of many scientists. A great example are the mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 — the speed with which they were developed has been astounding. Without the fundamental question “why,” and understanding the mechanisms behind different disease, medical care would devolve into the same algorithm, and the notion of personalized care a far-off dream.  

My research will make a difference because: Late failure of the kidney allograft, the subject of my research, remains a clinical challenge. Our work doesn’t point to a single solution but identifies the numerous syndromes — both immunological and non-immunological — that may occur years post-transplant. These studies have impacted the field, with small, steady improvements in graft outcomes for our patients.  

The best advice I’ve ever received is: Remember to make/take time for those personal things that are important to you. Years from now, you won’t remember if you didn’t answer that email or take that call or go to a specific meeting.  

Three things you may not know about me are:   

  • I enjoy science-fiction movies and novels. I saw “Star Wars” (episode IV) the day the movie was released (with my mom waiting in a long line) and attended one of the first Star Trek conventions held in New York City (sans costume).  
  • Growing up, I attended Hebrew Day School in New York City, but it wasn’t until my dad died in 2000 that I learned how to read from the Torah Scroll. I am now a “regular” reader here in Omaha, as well as at my old congregations in Washington, D.C. and Alabama.  
  • I attended Stuyvesant High School, a math and science “magnet,” taking required drafting and shop but not home economics; so, my spouse is our household (and talented) chef. 
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  1. jawed Siddiqui says:


  2. Karuna Rasineni says:

    Congratulations Dr. Roslyn Mannon!

  3. Gloria H Probeck says:

    Congratulations to Roz. This award is well deserved. So many of us from Duke are so very proud of you.

  4. Gwendolyn Deierhoi says:

    Well deserved Roz! Congratulations!

  5. Jhoanna Olmos says:

    Congrats, Dr. Mannon, this is really neat (and your 'best advice' section is incredibly wise, thank you)!

  6. kimberly brown says:

    Congratulations Ros! So well deserved! You remain my favorite scientist friend!

  7. Elmi Muller says:

    Lovely to see this and a wonderful achievement, congratulations! Elmi

  8. Kusum K. Kharbanda says:


  9. Irena Kovacevic says:

    Congratulations Dr. Mannon!

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