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Walk like a penguin and other tips for snow and ice

As the winter season turns to snow and ice, here are some tips for walking safely through the conditions.

  • Wear boots and overshoes with grip soles made with rubber and neoprene composite for traction. Avoid shoes with heels or leather and plastic on the soles as these will increase the risk of slipping.
  • Look down when exiting your vehicle, and if you see ice, park in a different place.
  • Be careful when getting into or out of a vehicle. Use the car for support. 
  • Consider using removable ice cleats to improve traction, but make sure to remove them before walking indoors on smooth surfaces.
  • Test the surface to see if it is slick.
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets so you can use them for balance.
  • Walk like a penguin. Take short or shuffling steps and point your feet outwards.
  • Bend slightly forward and walk flat-footed, centering yourself over your feet.
  • Be prepared to fall, and if you do, avoid using your arms to brace or ease the fall.
  • Don’t carry heavy loads, such as boxes or purses, that may swing and cause you to lose your balance while walking. 
  • Use handrails if available.
  • Don’t step on uneven surfaces such as curbs or slopes.  
  • When you enter a building, be sure to knock the snow, water and ice off your shoes. Dry the bottom of your shoes, and be careful as water and other items on the bottom of shoes can cause falls inside. 
  • Finally, focus on walking – avoid looking at your phone, texting or searching for items in your backpack or purse.
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