UNMC for the record

Molly Worthen, PhD

Annual lecture in medical humanities will explore 'Medical Education in the Time of COVID-19'

Molly Worthen, PhD, will give the annual Charles & Linda Wilson Lecture in Medical Humanities at noon on Monday, Nov. 29, via Zoom.

Dr. Worthen, an associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, will speak on "Medical Education in the Time of COVID-19: The Humanities Are Not a Luxury."

Dr. Worthen is a historian and a regular contributor to the New York Times. She writes frequently about the changing nature of higher education in America.

This lecture is supported by the Wilson Fund in Medical Humanities at UNMC. Charles and Linda Wilson established the fund to support both an annual lecture at UNMC and a student scholarship for University of Nebraska-Lincoln students enrolled in a pre-med track with a minor in medical humanities.

Dr. Wilson himself eschewed a science-dominated pre-med education in favor of a major in English. He graduated from UNMC in 1974, became a highly successful cardiologist in Lincoln and served for many years as a member of the NU Board of Regents.

Virtual forum scheduled for Monday on behaviorial health issues

The Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) will host the Nebraska Behavioral Health Policy Forum Monday at noon featuring a virtual panel with Nebraska State Sens. John Arch and Jen Day.

Sen. Arch, who represents District 14 and parts of La Vista and Papillion, served in health care administration for more than 30 years. Sen. Day represents District 49 in western Sarpy County. She has advocated for social justice issues and in her first legislative session helped pass bills relating to child welfare, mental health and education.

The free one-hour forum, held via Zoom, also will include a presentation by Dr. Marley Doyle, director of BHECN, on the state of Nebraska's behavioral health workforce.

As the pandemic approaches the end of its second year, rates of anxiety and depression are at all time highs, while workforce shortages are occuring in health care and behavioral health. Nebraskans reaching out for help often find long waiting lists or no nearby behavioral health provider.

Visit the BHECN website for more information and to register.

Talk IT Thru video available on vaccine reporting

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine information technology is offering video instructions for reporting COVID-19 vaccinations from an alternate location in the health tracking system.

Click this link for the video.

Talk IT Thru is a twice-monthly video series intended to increase technology literacy across the med center. Visit the episode library here.

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  1. Lisa Sund says:

    No food truck schedule for next week?

  2. Jeff Robb / UNMC Today says:

    No changes to the food truck schedule for next week. We'll be posting the schedule for a reminder.

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