Talk IT Thru: Physical security

Talk IT Thru is intended to increase technology literacy across the UNMC and Nebraska Medicine enterprise. The twice monthly series will increase employee confidence in their abilities to perform work functions successfully by empowering them with technology tools and information for success. The features are intended to be brief, with supplemental resources provided to empower employees to take a “deeper dive” in learning about the topic.

Physical security can often be a second thought when it comes to information security. However, it is vital that physical security protections are in place to help protect people, property, assets and data from bad actors.

View this video to learn more about the importance of physical security in information security.

UNMC and Nebraska Medicine have put physical security measures in place, such as secured entrances and restricted physical access to areas within the campus. These measures help keep the campus and its guests safe. It is essential that all members of the medical center community practice good physical security habits so to keep themselves, guests and data safe from bad actors.

What is Nebraska Medicine and UNMC doing to keep you safe?

All UNMC and Nebraska Medicine employees and students have access badges that allow or deny access to certain areas. UNMC and Nebraska Medicine also have put safety measures in place to help keep data safe as well. Access to both physical and data environments are restricted based on need and role because of the sensitive nature of what we do as an organization. Medical center data is protected with physical security measures to ensure that sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

What can you do to help keep the organization safe?

There are many things that help keep UNMC and Nebraska Medicine safe.

  • Help prevent tailgating. It is easy to be “Nebraska nice” and hold the door open for someone. If you are walking with someone you don’t know, and they seem to be following you, ask them if you can assist them in finding where they need to go. If you are walking with a medical center employee or student into a secure area, simply ask them to swipe their access badge too. Everyone in the organization should understand the need to follow security procedure, so don’t feel bad about asking them to do so.
  • When you are working on a computer or device that holds or stores sensitive information, lock it before you walk away. This is to prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

It is the responsibility of all medical center employees and students to assist in keeping ourselves and our guests safe. If you see something, say something. Reach out to Public Safety at 402-559-5111 if you need assistance with a physical security matter. Reach out to Information Security via email, if you have any questions about keeping data safe.

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