Message from INBRE Director: Paul Sorgen, PhD

Hello to my Nebraska INBRE Family, 

I hope all of you and your family have been safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic! Given the challenging circumstances of the last year, I am happy to report that the 2021 INBRE Scholars survey was very positive. Despite numerous restrictions related to meetings, lab research and personal interaction, most of the Scholars reported high levels of satisfaction and appreciation for the program, as the following results detail:  

  • 93% were satisfied/very satisfied with the program.  
  • 88% felt that INBRE activities made them feel they were part of a special program.  
  • 81% felt their research experience was enhanced by being an INBRE Scholar.  
  • 80% said their INBRE research experience benefitted them in the classroom 
  • Over half of graduating Scholars are going into PhD programs (14 out of 26).  

I would like to personally thank all Nebraska INBRE faculty and staff that have helped foster such a great research environment on our campuses! 

With vaccination in full swing, it feels like life has started to return to normal. Talking about normal, we are happy to report that our three Research Institutes (UNMC, CU, and UNL) are allowing Scholars to perform their summer 10-week program in person. 

This is the Scholars full time research experience before spending the ensuing two academic years and their second summer in the program doing research in the labs of Nebraska INBRE supported faculty members at the Primarily Undergraduate Institutes.

Unfortunately, we did have to cancel the Annual meeting at the end of the summer in Nebraska City. We needed to provide notice of cancellation to the Lied Lodge 6 months in advance. At that time in February, we were unsure how effective the vaccinations were going to be and the time necessary to get everyone the shot. We thought best not to have 100+ people in the same room for two-and-a-half days!

On a bright note, at our last Nebraska INBRE Steering Committee Meeting, we formalized a plan to have an end of the summer "Zoom" meeting. This will give the Scholars the opportunity to orally present the work they did over the summer.     

Another activity that happens each summer is the Institutional Development Award Program (IDeA) meeting, which rotates between the national meeting in Washington DC (all IDeA programs attend – INBRE, COBRE, SEPA, CTR, Regional Technology Transfer Accelerator Hub) and region meeting (rotates between North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma).

This year happens to be Nebraska’s turn to host. 

We have a great agenda that includes talks by keynote speakers Dr. Jon Lorsch (NIGMS Director), Dr. Ali Khan (Dean, College of Public Health, UNMC), Dr. Steven Soper (Foundation Distinguished Professor, KU, and Dr. Sheritta Strong (Director of Inclusion, UNMC).

Additionally, there is a session that features the top INBRE Scholars from each state (INBRE Undergraduate Rising Stars). Please give a shout out to, LeeAnna Lui, from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, who will be representing Nebraska! 

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