INBRE funded undergraduate faculty researchers thrive with support

Surabhi Chandra, PhD, associate professor of biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney

Support of the NE-INBRE Developmental Research Project Program (DRPP) has created a robust undergraduate research infrastructure across the state. 

"There are amazing and talented researchers doing incredible work at all levels at undergraduate colleges and universities in Nebraska," said Paul Sorgen, PhD, director of the NE-INBRE.  

The DRPP funding, he said, enhances the development of the research infrastructure on undergraduate campuses by: 

  • Providing support for faculty research at Primary Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) in the form of funds for release time; and 
  • Providing funding for instrumentation necessary for cutting-edge biomedical research, supplies and other associated expenses.  

The research infrastructure provides opportunities for NE-INBRE Scholars, as well as other undergraduate students on the eight PUI campuses, to become involved in biomedical research projects supported by the program, Dr. Sorgen said. 

The DRPP program supports the most promising research at the PUIs by: 

  • Developing, establishing and maintaining the research capacity and culture on the campuses; and 
  • Promoting the career development of targeted faculty 

In addition to the financial support, each DRPP faculty member receives science and career mentoring from senior faculty, who are a part of either the NE-INBRE Steering Committee or the Senior Executive Committee on their campus, as well as through regular communication with an appointed research institution mentor.  

The following researchers have received DRPP funding. Learn more about them and their research: 

  • Annemarie Shibata, PhD, professor of cellular neuroscience, Creighton University 
  • Brett Schofield, PhD, assistant professor of biology, Doane University  
  • Ben Brandsen, PhD, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, Creighton University 
  • Joe Dolence, PhD, assistant professor of biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney 
  • Mahesh Pattabiraman, PhD, associate professor organic chemistry, University of Nebraska at Kearney  
  • Mike Moxley, PhD, assistant professor of chemistry, University of Nebraska at Kearney 
  • Surabhi Chandra, PhD, associate professor of biology, University of Nebraska at Kearney 
  • Paul Denton, PhD, assistant professor of biology, University of Nebraska at Omaha