Anesthesiology residents nab MARC awards

Five of the 12 UNMC anesthesiology residents who presented at the 2021 Midwest Anesthesia Resident’s Conference took home top awards for their work.

The conference was held virtually April 16 – 18 and included more than 600 residents from 35 Midwestern anesthesiology programs. Participants presented their unique and medically challenging cases and novel research projects live during the virtual format.

"All of our residents did a great job showcasing the challenging cases and research conducted at UNMC through very well polished presentations," said Charles Walcutt, MD, MARC faculty coordinator. "I especially appreciate their ability to shine despite the technological challenges that come with presenting live on a virtual platform."

"I’m very proud of the way our residents represented themselves and our program on this large regional stage," said Andrea Dutoit, MD, residency program director. "While this conference didn’t have some of the more exciting, in-person elements it usually does, our residents never lost sight of their educational goals and performed very well as a result."
Residents, their presentations and awards were:
Allison Bell, MD – Awake Fiberoptic Intubation for an Obstructing Supraglottic Lesion 

  • 3rd Place in her Airway Session

Michael Blaha, MD – Spinal Anesthesia for a Total Hip Arthroplasty for a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension

  • 2nd Place in his Regional Session

Michael Dancer, MD – Anesthetic Management of a Mediastinal Mass with Compression of the Right Atrium and Ventricle 

  • 1st Place in his Cardiovascular Session

Zhaohui Hu, MD – Anesthetic Management of a Thyroidectomy in a Patient with Thyroid Storm
Shelley Iverson, DO – VA ECMO and Surgical Embolectomy for Massive Pulmonary Embolus 

  • 1st Place in her Cardiovascular Session 

Bobby Muelleman, MD – Open Nephrectomy and IVC Thrombectomy in a Patient with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension and a Family History of Malignant Hyperthermia
Kelsey Neuhalfen, MD – Palliative Resection of a Metastatic Right Atrial Liposarcoma 

  • 2nd Place in her Cardiovascular Session 

Rachel Quandahl, MD – An Adult Cri Du Chat Patient with a Family History of Malignant Hyperthermia Needing General Anesthesia for MRI
John Riley III, MD – Perinephric Hematoma Following Renal Artery Stent Placement
Blaine Schlawin, DO – Cardiac Arrest Following Cardiac Herniation from Left Pneumonectomy
Apollo Stack, MD – Intraoperative Pulmonary Embolism During Emergent Exploratory Laparotomy for Perforated Viscus
Michael Warden, MD – The Clinical Relevance of Cement Volume in Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation

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