Nebraska Science Festival begins today

KETV is one of the sponsors for the 2021 Nebraska Science Festival.

Today is the first day of the ninth annual Nebraska Science Festival — presented by UNMC — which runs all month long. The festival includes science- and technology-related activities available online or in small, socially distanced group settings.

The 2021 Nebraska SciFest includes something for every age and interest. Participants can learn about the weather, participate in a citywide clean-up, enjoy a statewide scavenger hunt and discover careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Public health measures will be followed for all in-person activities. View the entire festival schedule (with details and registration links) online.

Among the highlights:

  • Walk to the Moon Challenge: NE SciFest is challenging everyone in Nebraska to show their love of science by participating in a 30-day exercise challenge that collectively will take us to the moon. The challenge will start April 1 and end on April 30. Any type of exercise will count (miles, minutes or steps) and all exercise will be converted into steps for the challenge. The challenge will require us to cover 238,855 miles or 477,710,000 steps, so plan your exercise schedule.
  • Essay Contest: Back again is the NE SciFest Essay Contest for any person 19 and under who lives in Nebraska and is enrolled in a public, private or home school. To enter, draft a response to: Name your favorite science discovery since 2000 and explain why it tops the list. Winners receive a NE SciFest swag package.
  • Art Contest: Discover the intersection of art and science in this year’s inaugural art contest. Participants may create (draw, paint, glue, sculpt) an image of one of the planets from our solar system to be entered to win an NE SciFest swag package.

    Visit the website for additional April activities, including an Omaha Science Cafe in partnership with the Omaha Community Playhouse, “Ask a Meteorologist” with KETV’s Matt Serwe, Keep Omaha Beautiful city clean-up, Omaha Children’s Museum’s “Ms. Fizzle’s Wacky Weekend,” a statewide social media trivia contest, a statewide scavenger hunt and more.

    In addition to UNMC, the 2021 Nebraska Science Festival is sponsored the Nebraska Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Metro Credit Union, Streck and media sponsors KETV and the Omaha World-Herald.

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