Total compensation statement available to faculty, staff

The value of being employed at UNMC is not just measured by hourly or salaried pay. In fact, there is a wide range of benefits, services and programs offered by the university that make up a total compensation package for faculty and staff.

The Total Compensation Statement (TCS) is a document that outlines in detail the employee’s direct and indirect compensation. It communicates the entire value of an employee’s compensation package, including wages along with the hidden cost of the benefits that the University of Nebraska provides.

The 2020 TCS is now available in Firefly. To access your personalized document, complete the following:

  • Log in to Firefly
  • Click “Employee Self Service (ESS)”, click “About Me – Personal Information”, scroll down to the Compensation section (under Total Compensation) and click PDF “2020 Statement”

Your TCS visually highlights the value of these additional compensation benefits and also shows a complete list of each benefit and its corresponding dollar value. Your TCS also shows the benefits you are currently enrolled in as well as what other benefits may be available. Take advantage of the information provided in the total compensation statement to help you consider your choices during the annual benefits enrollment period in 2021.

Each person’s total compensation statement will be different, depending on their enrollment choices; for example, whether they have dependents enrolled in their health plans or not. The NUFlex benefits plan includes:

  • Health insurance (medical, dental and vision), life insurance, long-term disability benefits, health care and dependent day care reimbursement accounts and more.
  • Retirement Benefits, which include 401(a), 403(b) and 457(b) plans. The 401(a) features matching funds from the University, with 8% being added at Tier 2, a highly competitive rate in today’s employment marketplace.
  • Other benefits, like NUCredits, which provide funding that offsets an employee’s insurance premiums.

If you have questions about your TCS Benefits you may contact UNMC Benefits via email.

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