A message from UNMC leaders on COVID-19

UNMC leaders sent the following message to the UNMC community on Monday afternoon, Nov. 23:

As we near the end of 2020, we know that these next few months will be among the most difficult of the pandemic. Already, COVID-19 has impacted far too many in our communities. Many of us have family and friends who have been sick, died or continue to recover from the virus. Too many have suffered financial hardships, greeted loves ones through nursing home windows and juggled job responsibilities alongside our children’s remote learning needs. The days have been long.

That said, we have been inspired by the fierce commitment of our faculty and students who continue to face unprecedented times of teaching and learning, our investigators who continue to pursue innovation and life-changing treatments, our staff who continue to support mission-critical functions — as well as each another, and our health care teams who are providing extraordinary care during the most challenging of times. We must continue our momentum into 2021 while diligently working to slow the spread of the virus and preserve hospital capacity for all Nebraskans.

The steps are simple and they work — especially when practiced together. Wear a mask over your nose and mouth. Physically distance from one another. Limit crowds and confined spaces. Wash hands frequently.

It’s not too late to change the course we’re on, but it will take all of us working together to limit the spread of COVID-19, save lives, keep businesses open and hospital beds available. It also will require sacrifices this holiday season as we find new ways to celebrate with family to keep everyone safe.

The actions we take now — on and off campus — will determine the days ahead. News of possible vaccines provide hope for better days, but until one is available and widely distributed, none of us can let our guard down. We acknowledge the fatigue, anxiety and uncertainty that we all face, but we must continue to be selfless in our actions and recommit to basic public health measures that limit the spread of the virus.

If you are struggling with the many disruptions and anxieties of the past year, know that you are not alone. Take care of yourself, take care of your colleagues and if you need professional help, please take advantage of the support services available through employee and student health at UNMC’s campuses and through area providers.

As campus leaders, we are grateful for each of you and the mission-critical work you do in transforming lives to create a healthy future. We pledge to do our part during the difficult days ahead; we ask you to stand with us in protecting our collegiate and campus communities, our health care system, our frontline workers and our fellow Nebraskans.

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

H. Dele Davies, MD
Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dean for Graduate Studies

Bradley Britigan, MD
Dean, UNMC College of Medicine

Ken Cowan, MD, PhD
Director and Physician-in-Chief, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Director, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer

Janet M. Guthmiller, DDS, PhD
Dean, UNMC College of Dentistry

Ali S. Khan, MD, MPH
Dean, UNMC College of Public Health

Emily McElroy, MLIS
Dean, McGoogan Health Sciences Library

Kyle Meyer, PhD
Dean, UNMC College of Allied Health Professions

Karoly Mirnics, MD, PhD
Director, Munroe-Meyer Institute

Keith Olsen, PharmD
Dean, UNMC College of Pharmacy

Juliann G. Sebastian, PhD, RN
Dean, UNMC College of Nursing

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1 comment

  1. Barbara says:

    Thank you. I received my MSN from UNMC and was work in my dream nursing job for 20 years.

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