IT shares file storage options, solutions

This is the first informational article in a series on the topic of file storage solutions offered by the information technology department.

File Storage Options

All students, faculty, staff and researchers have unique file storage needs. UNMC’s Information Technology Services includes several file hosting and backup services, but the number of choices and options can make it difficult to determine the best fit for one’s needs.

Because of this, IT has created a new Knowledge Base Article, “What storage is right for me.” Within the article, there are several matrixes that will help you determine which solution is right for your specific file storage needs.

Network File Storage Backup Status

All shared network drives that are online and available are being backed up.

Migrating Personal Network Drives to Microsoft OneDrive

The information technology department is encouraging individuals who are currently using personal network drives to migrate their files to OneDrive. Personal network drives are:

  • Often referred to as “my H: drive:” for UNMC or “my M: drive” for Nebraska Medicine.
  • Designed exclusively for your use — to store work files that are not shared.
  • Windows OS computers: Can be found in File Explorer under “This PC.”
  • Mac OS computers: Can be found under the Finder “Go” >> “Connect to Server. . .”

Personal network drives are still a valid file storage service, but will be discontinued in the near future. OneDrive offers several new technology advantages over personal network drives, including:

  • The ability to access your files from any location
  • Version control, which is the ability to revert to previously saved versions of files on your own without the IT department’s assistance.
  • Ability to share files and folders. (Limited use is recommended, see Knowledge Base Article, “What storage is right for me.”)

Information on how to migrate your Personal Network Drive along with other great articles can be found in the OneDrive Knowledge Base Articles.

Additional clarifying Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) and Videos (KBV) related to file storage:

Information Technology Services:

  • File Storage and Backup
  • Microsoft Teams and SharePoint
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Enterprise Box
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    1. Lisa says:

      Does this mean we can use the drives again?

    2. UNMC Today Editor says:

      If your drive is accessible, you may use it. Please use these Knowledge Base Articles (KBA) in the article above to determine if your drive is accessible: "Knowledge Base Article (2 min): Is my network storage available? (Windows)" and "Knowledge Base Article (2 min): Is my network storage available? (Mac)"

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