Chancellor’s message: Slow the spread of COVID-19

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

On Wednesday, Oct. 21, UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, sent the following message:

To the UNMC community,

Last Friday, Governor Pete Ricketts gave an update on the spread of the novel coronavirus in the state of Nebraska. Cases are on the rise and access to hospital resources decreasing. Given this news, Governor Ricketts increased directed public health measures to further reduce the spread of the coronavirus and enhance hospital workforce.

Within the UNMC community, our practices and plans have fortunately led to a very small number of cases on our campus; fewer still were the result of on-campus transmission. That said, as our data shows, members of the UNMC family continue to be exposed to COVID-19 through their interactions in the Omaha community. We can be proud of what we have done, and at the same time we must recognize how the coronavirus can continue to impact everyone at UNMC and beyond.

Now is a time during which UNMC can and must lead in helping our community past this pandemic. We have to be vigilant about our health so that any illnesses among us do not spread to others. We ask that all members of the UNMC community download and utilize the 1-Check UNMC app and use it daily, whether or not you come to campus on a given day. Careful monitoring of our own health conditions can be an early warning system, catching cases before they spread out in the community. In the coming days, we will implement a system of screening verification, requiring individuals to show that they have screened (they will NOT be asked to divulge personal information) before gaining access to specific areas of campus.

We ask that everyone utilize the app (Google Android, Apple or web-based) daily and report any concerning findings to the Employee Health or Student Health clinics, the UNMC Office of Health Security or the Douglas County Public Health Department. It is vital that we take every step possible to continue curbing the disease in our UNMC family and in the community we serve.

Thank you,

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD

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