Regent candidate Jack Stark, PhD, tours UNMC

Emily McElroy, left, dean of the McGoogan Health Sciences Library, meets with Jack Stark, PhD, candidate for the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Jack Stark, PhD, a former UNMC faculty member and a candidate for the University of Nebraska Board of Regents, returned to campus late last month to tour UNMC with Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Dr. Stark, the former psychologist for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln football team, met with Dr. Gold to discuss the budgets of UNMC and UNO; toured the renovated McGoogan Health Sciences Library; and visited the Davis Global Center to see a demonstration by the iEXCEL team.

Dr. Stark, who has taught at all five University of Nebraska campuses during his career, said he was interested in learning more about the activities, budget, student services and future plans of UNMC – and especially what the university’s needs are.

“I spent my whole life in the university system,” Dr. Stark said. “My two kids and I have 17 years of tuition. I want to give something back for all the things that the university has done for me and my family.”

Dr. Stark said he was excited about the NExT Project, a transformational project with deep roots in both national defense strategy and 21st century health innovation.

“We are going to be the Mayo Clinic of the Midwest,” he said. “When we get the NExT Project, you won’t have to go to the Cleveland Clinic for your heart, or to Houston for cancer, or to the Mayo Clinic for whatever. You can just come here.”

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