Virtual Re-Imagining U (RIU) will be offered this fall for all UNMC and University of Nebraska at Omaha employees.
Re-Imagining U is a collaborative employee training and development program developed and coordinated by the joint UNMC and UNO office of human resources. In response to the pandemic, in-person courses have been postponed and more than 20 courses will be offered virtually this fall starting on Sept. 30.
See the Fall 2020 course catalog.
Re-Imagining U is offered at no extra cost to employees and provides the opportunity for employees to take advantage of resources and tools to accomplish development goals. Employees now are able to register for Re-Imaging U courses via the ENGAGE registration system.
Based on results from the 2019 Employee Engagement Survey, this year’s RIU courses are tailored to focus on the themes of RESPECT: recognition, exciting work, security, pay, education and career, conditions at work, and truth. Additionally, presentations emphasizing the subcategories employee engagement, performance confidence, and diversity and inclusion also will be offered.
The highly popular “Navigating Difficult Conversations” course will be offered again this semester as well as two new cohort courses, “Upgrading Meetings” and “Increasing Employee Engagement.”
Please contact Giovanni Jones at UNMC and Laura Wakefield at UNO with questions.