Self-screening with UNMC app required before coming to campus

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All faculty, staff and students again are reminded that when they come to the UNMC or University of Nebraska at Omaha campuses this fall, they must use the campus-specific app — 1-Check UNMCevery day to self-screen if they plan on being physically present on campus.

This screening should take place before arriving on campus and takes less than a minute to complete.

“Faculty, staff and students must refrain from coming to campus if they or someone in their house is sick with a COVID-19-like illness or if their 1-Check UNMC results advise them to do so,” said Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, chancellor of UNMC and UNO.

“We are well aware that these are challenging times, and we will work hard with students and staff as needs arise to address all questions of educational progress and job performance responsibilities,” Dr. Gold said. “But it is of paramount important that we self-screen using our campus-specific apps and that we respond appropriately if the results tell us not to come onto campus, get tested or receive health care advice. Together we will enhance campus safety and our campus learning environment.”


  1. John Walburn MD says:

    I can’t find 1-Check UNMC In either Privacy or Notifications under Settings on my device. I have also filled in the survey entering different scenarios just to see how they would affect risk scores just for nosiness sake. Are 1-Check results available to any person or persons at UNMC or are they just for my own information?
    John Walburn MD

  2. Patty Davis says:

    I thought it was mentioned in Monday's Chancellor forum that we were not supposed to use this app until it had been updated. Did I misunderstand?

  3. UNMC Today Editor says:

    In response to the questions below: The 1 Check UNMC app is the app that should be used when coming to campus. The app is a self-screening tool, but it also provides campus leadership with a real-time sense of conditions on campus. Leaders are checking key data for trends in aggregate and are not interested in individuals. All personal information is fully HIPAA protected and encrypted.

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