Questions with Chancellor Gold

Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, chancellor of UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Keeping up with the latest news, guidance and resources surrounding the national response to the spread of COVID-19 and other important issues can be difficult, as each day brings new developments and even more questions.

As UNMC and University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) faculty and staff work to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and other issues of importance, Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, is fielding questions from employees of both communities as they arise, and answering one new question daily on YouTube.

Faculty and staff can submit their questions to; please try to keep your questions as general as possible in order to help the largest number of employees.

Today’s question: If I think I had COVID-19 earlier this summer, should I be tested for antibodies?

(Note: Each video includes captioning — simply click on the closed captioning (CC) button at the bottom of the video).

See previous questions.

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  1. Alvin Poole says:

    Are they going to be making the Red UNMC mask larger, as they only cover about 1/4 of the face. I've seen other masks that go almost form ear to ear.
    What is the pocket on the inside to be used for?
    The need also longer stretch snaps.

  2. Myron L. Toews, PhD says:

    The American Red Cross in Omaha has been offering free antibody testing for everyone who donates blood; so this is a great way to get your antibody test for free and do some really important further good for others by donating blood!

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