UNMC’s Recovery Implementation Plan available online

Ted Cieslak, MD

Ted Cieslak, MD, UNMC interim executive director for health security, sent the following message to the UNMC community on Friday, July 24:

These are trying times with the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affecting nearly every facet of our lives. Our educational mission has been no exception, with most of our classes moving to virtual platforms over the spring and summer semesters. Whether you were a student in these classes; a faculty member teaching them; or a staff member supporting our educational, research or clinical missions, we commend you for the spirit of cooperation and resilience with which you handled these profound changes.

Still, we all know that a robust educational experience requires interpersonal interaction and hands-on learning opportunities. We, throughout the University of Nebraska system, have been working hard to make a return to in-person learning a reality this fall. But, with the COVID-19 pandemic an ongoing reality, we must ensure that such learning can be accomplished safely. To that end, more than 70 individuals have been working for the past several months to create a Recovery Implementation Plan that will enable us to do just that.

This plan, now available on UNMC’s campus recovery website, is intended to guide students, staff and faculty in their efforts to safely return to on-campus learning. The document will undoubtedly change over time as we incorporate lessons learned and best practices gleaned from our own experience and that of other institutions.

We also know that conditions can change quickly. Our top priority continues to be the health and well-being of our students, staff and faculty and we will monitor community activity and move forward — or change course — based on science and data.

Please follow the seven easy steps detailed in this plan and listed below. By doing so, you’ll protect yourself and the rest of our campus community. We expect all faculty, staff and students to:

  • Self-screen using the 1-Check COVID app each day that you plan on being physically present on campus.
  • Refrain from coming to campus if you (or someone in your house) are sick or if your 1-Check COVID app screen results advise you to.
  • Wear a cloth or procedure mask that covers the mouth and nose at all times while in public spaces (including classrooms, hallways and other common areas). Masks should only be removed in private offices or while eating.
  • Maintain a distance of at least six feet from other persons while on campus.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (roughly the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday to oneself twice). Alcohol-based hand sanitizer may be used when soap and water are not readily available.
  • Assist in the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces. Cleaning solution and cloths are widely available in campus buildings; students, staff and faculty should assist in cleaning their desks, tables and personal spaces, especially when such surfaces are likely to have become contaminated (e.g. when one sneezes or coughs while their mask is off).
  • In an effort to “de-densify’ the campus, staff who are able to accomplish all of their duties remotely and have the approval of their supervisor may continue to work from home.

With your help, we remain confident in our ability to safely ensure a vibrant and productive on-campus experience this fall. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

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  1. Elizabeth Bockoven says:

    What are your suggestions to replace the 1-Check app for faculty/staff/students whose phones do not support the app? Will there be a website available for those people to access?

  2. UNMC Today Editor says:

    In answer to the question below, Nebraska Medicine has a web-based symptom tracker here:

  3. Sue Schuelke says:

    If there a way to print a report from the app? It would be nice to check to see if the students present on campus actually have completed the questions on the app.

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