iEXCEL begins interprofessional experience series

The Dr. Edwin G. & Dorothy Balbach Davis Global Center

The Student Interprofessional Society will begin providing monthly interprofessional experiences (remotely at this time) from the Dr. Edwin G. & Dorothy Balbach Davis Global Center at 6:30 p.m. on July 30.

Zoom info

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  • Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
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Webinar ID: 965 7142 1743

International numbers available.

“A group of interprofessional students are leading these sessions,” said Pamela Boyers, PhD, associate vice chancellor for clinical simulation. “We anticipate these eventually becoming more ‘hands-on’ using the assets of the Davis Global Center as time evolves and once we feel it is safe. We are excited about these new events and look forward to collaborating with faculty and students as this series evolves.”

“The UNMC Student Interprofessional Society is excited to connect with incoming health professions students during this interactive broadcast series produced in partnership with iEXCEL,” said Morgan Harris, co-president of the society. “We hope that sharing our own educational experiences and creating a forum in which students can ask questions will make their arrival to campus, whether virtual or in-person, more welcoming and stress-free.”

“This series was designed with student success in mind. Our goal is to help them set expectations for both their professional and personal lives before classes begin,” said McKenzie Rowe, SIS co-president.

The series is in coordination with the IPE curriculum committee leadership, the Student Success Program, the Student Interprofessional Society, and with the support of the iEXCEL Strategic Advisory Group.