COM student of the month

Allyson Pietrok

  • Name: Allyson Pietrok
  • Hometown: Omaha
  • Program/Year: COM Class of 2022

Education: B.S. in biological systems engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


  • Aging and Integrated Medicine EMET Program
  • Aging Interprofessional Group (president)
  • Camp Neuro (president)
  • Surgery Interest Group (vice president)
  • Support Your NEighbor (vice president and virtual companionship coordinator)
  • research with the orthopedic surgery separtment
  • Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging and Intercultural Senior Center fundraising coordinator
  • high school math tutor
  • volunteer with Munroe-Meyer and Sunday Rounds
  • co-author, “Staying Safe During The COVID Pandemic: How much alcohol is OK?” handout for the Nebraska Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program

Hobbies: Running, reading, golfing and baking pies

Staying Balanced: I try my best to manage my time effectively and ask for help when I need it.

Three things people don’t know about me:

  • I lived on a ship for three months while studying abroad as an undergraduate.
  • I love the show “Shark Tank.”
  • I’m always freezing, so I study right by the fireplace in the Linder Reading Room.


  1. Heidi says:

    You are amazing and a true inspiration to so many.

  2. Gary says:

    Keep smiling and helping make a difference

  3. Jenn says:

    Your achievements are truly commendable so keep up the good work!

  4. Danny says:


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