UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, will hold a virtual all-campus forum to address the UNMC community today from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Doug Ewald, vice chancellor for business, finance and business development for UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha, will join Dr. Gold at the all-campus forum.
Topics will include:
- Budget planning;
- COVID-19 and campus safety;
- Fall teaching and learning plans; and
- Campus construction.
Members of the UNMC community are invited to watch the event via Zoom.
An American Sign Language interpreter will be available.
To ask a question in advance of the forum, email unmcevents@unmc.edu.
To join the event:
- Join here via Zoom. (Password: 213978)
- iPhone one-tap:
- +16699006833,,92322221461# or
- +12532158782,,92322221461#
- Telephone (webinar ID: 923 2222 1461):
- +1 669-900-6833;
- +1 253-215-8782;
- +1 346 248 7799;
- +1 646 876 9923;
- +1 301 715 8592; or
- +1 312 626 6799.