Name: Arthur Easley, Jr., M.D.
Medical School attended: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Fellowship/residency: University of Colorado
What residency/fellowship program at UNMC are you serving as program director for:
Cardiovascular medicine
Number of trainees: There will be 16 next year and ultimately 21 (approved for seven per year)
How long have you been the program director: I think nine years this time.
What made you choose to become the program director: Actually, I was asked to do it by Dr. (John) Windle when he was chief.
What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future:
- The costs to achieve the needed education;
- The need to adapt to technology and medical record systems;
- The inevitability that graduate medical education will need to be more global in application and collaboration, diverse in the workforce it produces and insightful enough to embrace innovation and technology but not forget that we are taking care of human beings; and
- Balancing our time for work and wellness.
What are the strengths of your training program:
- Diverse clinical training and exposure to cardiovascular entities
- Advanced technology in all areas;
- Great faculty with different geographical training experiences;
- Quality of the fellows; and
- Increasing research opportunities.
List some accomplishments that you are proud of:
- Improvement in the quality of the training over the years;
- The diversity and quality of the fellows we recruit; and
- Our fellows go on to become faculty at other academic institutions.
All of these are testaments to the hard work and capabilities of our faculty and fellows
Tell us three things about you that others may not know:
- One of my greatest satisfactions professionally is seeing the people I have interacted with in training go on to do well and achieve their goals.
- I love music more than most people realize and hope to learn how to play an electric Jazz bass guitar. I have a Fender four-string fretted jazz bass.
- I can be more serious than people appreciate. My legacy here, however, is most likely to be the class clown.