Tornado season begins May 1

Safety manager John Hauser has been hearing one question quite a lot lately: “How should you take shelter from a tornado during the COVID-19 pandemic?”

May 1 is the official beginning of tornado season, and 75% of Nebraska tornadoes touch down in May, June and July. Nebraska averages 57 tornadoes per year.

“You must respond to the most significant threat first,” Hauser said. “If there is a tornado in your area, taking shelter is the best response to this threat. You must address the severe problem first while minimizing risks from other hazards.”

Hauser pointed to the American Meteorological Society, which recommends that while taking shelter, it is best to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for COVID-19 transmission prevention. These guidelines include physical distancing and wearing a face mask. Also, wash your hands after returning from the shelter.

Contact Environmental Health and Safety if you are not sure where the designation severe weather safe areas are for your location.

See more information about CDC guidelines.

See guidelines on tornado preparedness.

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