Masks available by request for UNMC personnel

Tonya Ngotel and Elayne Saejung fulfilling mask requests earlier this week.

With the new mask guidance released this past week for UNMC campuses, some workers whose physical presence is necessary on campus may have difficulty in obtaining masks to perform their duties safely.

Who should request masks?

The UNMC Mask Request Form is intended for employees with essential duties that require regular access to campus (more than 24 hours cumulative per week) but in primarily non-clinical areas.

Employees who regularly access clinical spaces, or only intermittently visit campus for essential duties, should continue to obtain masks through the Nebraska Medicine checkpoints.

Requests should be submitted by faculty supervisors, managers, or administrators in order to provide masks for their whole department, office, laboratory, etc.

A process has been set up for departments, offices or laboratories to requests masks to meet the new guidance.

UNMC has a small reserve of procedure masks available for limited distribution, which began this past Tuesday when 50 mask requests were fulfilled, covering more than 450 personnel. Distribution of these masks will continue each Tuesday until supplies are depleted.

Requests should be submitted by a faculty supervisor, manager or administrator through the UNMC Mask Request Form.

Requests for pick-up must be completed by 10 a.m. on the Monday prior to the Tuesday pick up. Requests submitted after the cut-off will be fulfilled on the following Tuesday. To conserve supplies and encourage reuse, an allocation of six masks per person will be provided, and requests will be limited to one request every two weeks.

The requester, or their designee, must pick up the masks during their requested time slot at the UNMC General Supply Warehouse, located at 601 S. Saddle Creek Rd., and will be required to show their UNMC ID badge.

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