Dr. Cawcutt addresses COVID-19 testing questions

Kelly Cawcutt, M.D.

COVID-19 testing has become a notable discussion topic and rightfully so during this pandemic. There are many questions ranging from how people are tested, who is tested, how tests are processed and what is the availability of the test.

“We need the community to understand that we are doing our best to ramp up testing, but we are also triaging the tests as appropriately as we can for the good of the community overall,” said Kelly Cawcutt, M.D., assistant professor in the UNMC Department of Internal Medicine-Infectious Diseases. “We know it is frustrating. We know it is anxiety provoking. But we are doing everything in our power to amplify our testing capabilities.”

Read more about testing from Dr. Cawcutt in a blog she wrote for NebraskaMed.com.

Learn more about the COVID-19 testing work being done in some of the labs at the medical center with a video that provides a look inside the microbiology and molecular diagnostics labs.

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