Director’s message: Awareness and excellence

March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, and MMI will be participating in the signing of the gubernatorial proclamation on March 9. The month serves as a special opportunity to provide information to our state and communities on the needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to reflect on the progress made toward improving quality of life for the individuals we serve.

March also is a time of transition, as – following a national search — Mark Shriver, Ph.D., professor in the MMI Department of Psychology, has been selected to take over the role of director of the University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).

Dr. Shriver will begin his new role on July 1. At that time, I will transition to a role of associate director until my retirement in December, 2020, to help Dr. Shriver as he assumes leadership of the UCEDD. Having worked with Mark since he joined the MMI faculty in 1994, I feel that MMI is indeed blessed to have such a capable faculty member to move into this leadership position and continue the excellent programming provided by the institute.

Being part of the MMI UCEDD has been a career-defining activity for me. The expansion of relationships with our partners has allowed for the development of new collaborative programs with the Nebraska Department of Education; the Department of Health and Human Services Divisions of Medicaid, Developmental Disabilities and Children/Family Services; the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities; Disability Rights Nebraska; and the State Independent Living Council. These programs enhance the lives of the individuals we serve by helping individuals accomplish their dreams towards independence.

As we move through Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, I am also grateful for the inspired evolution of services at MMI that includes, most recently, our integrated Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders. The restructuring of the services for individuals with autism is just one area of renewed emphasis for MMI and will be seen on a structural level as we move to our new building in the spring of 2021. I’m proud to be part of the collaborative team that works to overcome barriers and to provide new opportunities for individuals and families.

Wayne Stuberg, Ph.D.
Associate Director, MMI
Director, University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities

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