UNMC for the record

Dr. Kuhn to participate in ‘Baby Sleep Day’ social media panel

Brett Kuhn, Ph.D., a professor of pediatrics and psychology at UNMC and the Munroe-Meyer Institute, will be part of a panel of international pediatric sleep experts sharing tips for parents via social media on Sunday, March 1.

Baby Sleep Day was created to raise awareness about the importance of quality sleep for babies and toddlers.

Dr. Kuhn and other experts will release tips via Facebook and Twitter. Read more.

The Pediatric Sleep Council was created to provide accurate and up-to-date information on sleep in young children for parents. The goal is to provide comprehensive and expert-based information on baby and toddler sleep that is freely available to the public.

Dr. Kuhn currently directs the behavioral sleep medicine clinic at the Children’s Sleep Disorders Center at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center where he supervises medical residents, sleep fellows, and psychology interns in the assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep disorders.

UNMC student group holds drive for soccer equipment

The UNMC Student Alliance for Global Health (SAGH) is hosting a children’s soccer equipment drive in support of the March 22-29 outreach trip to Jamaica.

The drive is part of a collaboration with the Omaha-based non-profit Football for the World and their Jamaican community partner Game of Life Foundations, both of which strive to improve the quality of life of children through the game of soccer.

“This new partnership for SAGH in Jamaica is an exciting and sustainable new way to give back to the Falmouth community in Jamaica that we have partnered with since 1997,” said Sara Pirtle, program manager for International Health and Medical Education at UNMC.

Items being collected include new and gently used items including:

  • Soccer balls
  • Cleats
  • Jerseys
  • Shin guards
  • Soccer socks

Equipment is being collected at the following locations on campus now through March 14:

  • UNMC College of Public Health; and
  • UNMC Center for Healthy Living

As well as at the following off-site location:

  • Dundee Pediatrics, 5018 Underwood Ave, Suite 200

Human Movement Variability and Biomechanics conferences set for May

The fifth annual Human Movement Variability Conference and the first Great Plains Biomechanics Conference will be held May 13-14 at the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine St., Omaha.

The Human Movement Variability Conference is an annual conference, organized by the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability and Department of Biomechanics since its culmination in 2016. The goal of the conference is to bring together researchers and clinicians to learn and share the latest in human movement variability research.

The Great Plains Biomechanics Conference is a new conference that will coincide with the Human Movement Variability conference in 2020. The goal of this conference is to provide a student-centered meeting where the growing field of biomechanics is explored through poster and podium sessions and a keynote speaker. The target demographic includes students, faculty, and clinicians from states such as Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Colorado, and Oklahoma.

Dr. Jaap Van Dieen from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Dr. Andre Seyfarth from Technical University of Darmstadt will be keynote speakers.

May 13 includes a mini monlinear analysis workshop, as well as tours and welcome reception.

May 14 includes the two keynote speakers, poster and podium sessions, and networking opportunities.

Find more information and register.

Back Pain, Rheumatology Symposia set for April; registration now open

The UNMC college of Continuing Education is hosting two upcoming symposia this semester:

The Back Pain Symposium will be held on April 9 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the University of Nebraska at Omaha Scott Conference Center, 6450 Pine St.

The symposium is intended for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, physical therapists, chiropractors, and those who care for patients with back pain. Registration is now open. See more information and register.

The Updates in Rheumatology: Focus on Rheumatoid Arthritis Symposium is set for April 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Sorrell Center on the UNMC Omaha campus.

The symposium is intended for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, residents, and fellows who care for patients with rheumatologic diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Registration is now open. See more information and register.