House Officer Spotlight: CA2 Maireen Miravite, M.D.

Editor’s Note: To celebrate the Department of Anesthesiology’s House Officer Appreciation Week, February 24 – 28, we will highlight one House Officer daily.
On Match Day in 2017, soon-to-be doctor Maireen Miravite stood with her family in a packed green space on the University of Arizona-College of Medicine campus in Phoenix. A balloon floated above her head with a long ribbon attached to an envelope. The big reveal moment came, and the sound of ripping and rustling paper filled the air. Dr. Miravite was headed to—Surprise!—Nebraska.
Having had little to no experience with the Midwest, Dr. Miravite didn’t know what to expect. She was born in the Philippines and lived there until her family immigrated to Tucson, Ariz., when she was 10 years old. She did, however, know that she enjoyed UNMC’s anesthesiology program for its successful yet down-to-earth faculty.
"Moving to Nebraska was a culture shock," Dr. Miravite said. "Everyone is nice, and at first I was kind of suspicious. It makes my job easier, though, because all of our patients, regardless of where they come from, treat everyone with respect."
Dr. Miravite has spent the past three years of residency embracing the challenge brought forth by high-acuity patients, and the leadership opportunities attending physicians give to residents managing patients. She has bonded with fellow residents over the strenuous moments as they’ve helped each other through obstacles. But the biggest challenge so far? The cold weather here, she joked.
For now, Dr. Miravite focuses on the daily opportunity to provide the best possible patient care that will help shape her into the type of anesthesiologist she wants to be. In these moments, she sometimes thinks of her grandmother, Milagros, who passed away in the Philippines. She didn’t trust the local healthcare system, and didn’t have regular access to medical care.
"I was only 11 at the time, but I felt horrible because this is not how healthcare should be," Dr. Miravite said. "Patients shouldn’t have that feeling when they obviously need help."
Looking forward, Dr. Miravite, hopes to pursue a pediatric anesthesiology fellowship and take on any adventures brought forth by her career and that of her boyfriend, Chris Byers, M.D. Dr. Byers is a resident in UNMC’s radiology department, a five-year program. The couple met in medical school.