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UNO, UNMC Payment Services to be housed on UNO campus

In the interest of logistical and financial efficiencies between the University of Nebraska at Omaha and UNMC, Payment Services staff from both campuses will jointly operate from UNO starting today.

Payment Services, formerly Accounts Payable, began operating jointly in December 2018, but continued to maintain separate physical locations.

Teresa Carlson, manager for UNO/UNMC Payment Services, said the move will streamline operations and will not impact day-to-day functions for UNO or UNMC employees utilizing Payment Services.

“We have made great strides over the last year in developing lean processes that have benefitted both campus. This is the logical next step, to continue to maximize our human and financial resources between the two campuses.”

Those with questions regarding this move are asked to call 402-554-2320 or email.

Payment Services is a division of the Office of Business and Finance responsible for non-employment based payments, vendor contracts, reimbursement, travel funding and more.

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