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New faculty

Kristie Hayes, MD, is associate professor in UNMC Department of Dermatology.

A total of nine new faculty members have recently joined the UNMC College of Medicine. They include one associate professor, four assistant professors and four instructors.
Associate professor
Kristie Hayes, MD, dermatology
Assistant professors
Nancy Benedetti, MD, radiology
Melissa Cullimore, MD, PhD, pediatrics critical care
Andrew Kamien, MD, surgery-general surgery
Priscila Rodrigues Armijo, MD, surgery-general surgery
Saiprasad Gowrikumar, PhD, biochemistry and molecular biology
Saumi Mathews, PhD, pharmacology and experimental neuroscience
Pinaki Mondal, PhD, surgical oncology
Mariano Uberti, PhD, radiology


  1. Carol Casey says:

    YAY, Kristie – so glad to see your face and know you will be at UNMC!!

  2. Susan Siebler says:

    Welcome (back) to Nebraska Medicine/UNMC!

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