Ridgway honored by College of Pharmacy

John Ridgway

John Ridgway, director of experiential education, pharmacy practice and science, wasn’t feeling well. So he decided to go home, rather than attend the College of Pharmacy’s recent annual fall honors convocation.

But then the dean, Keith Olsen, Pharm.D., came to Ridgway’s office, and strongly suggested it would be a good idea for Ridgway to be there.

Campus invited to retirement reception

The campus is invited to a retirement reception for John Ridgway Jan. 15 from 3-5 p.m. in the second floor commons of the Lozier Center for Pharmacy Sciences and Education.

Though he is retiring Jan. 2, Ridgway will continue to be on campus two half-days a week during the spring semester, as he will teach the compounding lab course.

Ridgway just thought he was being told to be a good soldier, even when he got to the convocation and they said, here, take this seat right up front.

He was surprised, and emotional, to learn he had been chosen by the students as this year’s winner of the college’s Distinguished Teaching Award.

“I got awfully choked up,” Ridgway said. “To receive an award that is voted on by the students is incredibly meaningful to me.”

Especially so because Ridgway, who is retiring Jan. 2, never envisioned a career as a teacher. He never saw himself working in a college atmosphere, at UNMC.

That surprise came after a visit from another dean.

Ridgway had been a community pharmacist for decades; he and his wife owned an Omaha drugstore for 20 years. He was an active preceptor with the College of Pharmacy.

Then Clarence Ueda, Pharm.D., Ph.D., called Ridgway one day saying the college needed someone to teach hands-on, real-world pharmacy skills.

Dr. Ueda went on for a while about all the qualifications this person would need: “I really thought at the end he was going to say, do you know of anybody?” Ridgway said.

But Dr. Ueda already had a candidate in mind.

“Me?” Ridgway remembered saying. “I’m not a teacher.”

“Yeah, you are,” Dr. Ueda said.

After talking it over further with Dr. Ueda, with UNMC faculty, with trusted colleagues and friends, Ridgway realized it was true. And he took the job.

“I didn’t know the language the faculty used. There were a lot of things I didn’t know and I had to learn quickly,” he said. “Somebody told me, all I need to do is keep one step ahead of the students and I’ll be fine.”

For the past 15 years, he’s been at least one step ahead.

The students loved him for being a community pharmacist who had been out in the real world.

He loved the students and the collegial college atmosphere.

He enjoyed owning a pharmacy. But this was different — working with students, with colleagues, other colleges, even other pharmacy schools.

“That was really special to me,” he said.

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  1. Tom O'Connor says:

    John is one of the all-time great guys! Thank you for bringing your expertise to UNMC and providing real-world insights to our pharmacy students. You truly made a difference! Enjoy your retirement, buddy.

  2. Sandy Williamson says:

    Always enjoyed bringing the Youth Learning Center students to learn from John. Thank you for your dedication and service to UNMC. Happy retirement!

  3. Tere Batt, Student Health Administration says:

    Dr. "Ridg" , It has been a pleasure working with you and the Operation Immunization group. Who knew that with one question asked, this would come to be. Keep your smile and wisdom for yourself and all those you meet. You are a true Gentleman.

  4. Melissa Ridgway Kraft says:

    I remember the day you got this opportunity and thinking how perfect you were for this role. You've always been our teacher Dad! I'm so glad you got to share your wisdom with so many others. We are all very proud of you! Congratulations! Love you – Melissa, Adam and Ruby

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