Retirement reception today for Rita Laire

Rita Laire

The UNMC Department of Internal Medicine will hold a retirement reception for Rita Laire from 2-3 p.m. today in Storz 1 and 2.

Laire, who has been at UNMC for more than 20 years and a member of the department since 2005, serves as an administrative professional and faculty services coordinator under department chair Debra Romberger, M.D., who spoke glowingly of her dedication to the department.

“Rita has been such an asset to the department in helping us to recruit to leadership positions,” Dr. Romberger said. “She has created a wonderful first impression for such candidates by her attention to detail in all the arrangements of a visit, her professionalism, and her caring and friendly interactions with them.

“We frequently get comments of specific thanks for Rita’s help from our visitors,” she said. “She has been stellar in how she projects UNMC and the Department of Internal Medicine to the outside world. And her work on behalf of existing faculty has been equally as dedicated.”

Other co-workers noted that Laire, a 2018 Gold U winner, always asked thought-provoking questions and gave experienced advice.

In her Gold U nominations, co-workers called Laire the go-to person in the department regarding university regulations, ever mindful of costs and being a good steward of funds, and said she was quick to help co-workers and has organized meals or other assistance in times of illness, injury, death or other life challenges.

“Rita has been generous with her time, knowledge and talents across the Department of Internal Medicine, UNMC and Nebraska Medicine for more than 20 years,” said Angela Peppers, vice chair for administration and finance in the department. “She has been invaluable to me and others with her giving spirit, not only at work but throughout the community with her service work.”

Peppers noted that Laire’s Gold U — and several Silver Us — speak to her “dedication, quality of work, and loyalty to the organization.”

Department leaders invite the campus to join them in wishing Laire well at today’s event.

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  1. Robin Taylor says:

    Congratulations Rita on a career well done! Enjoy your retirement — you've earned it.

  2. Robin Jaeckel says:

    From our time working together in Urologic Surgery to Internal Medicine and present day, it has been a great pleasure and honor to know and work with you my dear friend.

  3. Anne Lawlor says:

    Congratulations on your retirement, Rita! It's been such a pleasure working with you over the years. I wish you all the best in this next chapter.

  4. Carin Borg says:

    A well deserved retirement Rita! You have been a tremendous asset to many over the years. Perhaps our retirement paths will cross on a “ bon voyage”

  5. Peter F. Coccia says:

    Rita: Thank you for your invaluable assistance for many years. Have a wonderful retirement. PETER

  6. Jen Brady says:

    Congratulations, Rita! I will miss scheduling items with you!

  7. Wen says:

    Congratulations! Thank you for your always kind help!

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