Chancellor offers statement on recent shootings

Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

Dear Colleagues,

Like you, I am heartbroken over the continued senseless violence that has rightfully captured our nation’s attention. This weekend has reminded us again and again of the impact of these events that take human lives and inflict injury on countless families and their communities.

This week, we join our country in lowering our flags to mourn as a nation and honor the victims of these two very recent mass shootings. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those loved ones and with the communities that have been touched by this loss.

Loss almost always challenges us to reflect — in this case reflect on our own family and their safety and at the same time to reflect on what might be done to prevent this kind of tragedy in the future. An opportunity to reflect on what has almost become our new normal.

For all of us, the answer must include building the kind of community we want to live in, one where everyone feels safe and welcome, one where love triumphs and hate has no place. I want to thank you once again for choosing to be part of our community and a part of our Med Center culture of care and caring.

We are one community, and we are always stronger together. We are ever committed to Transforming Lives for a Healthier Future!


Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.


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