Drs. Gold, Rupp to appear tonight on RFD-TV

From left, Mark Rupp, M.D., and UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.

UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., and Mark Rupp, M.D., chief of the UNMC Division of Infectious Diseases and medical director of infection control and epidemiology at Nebraska Medicine, will appear live tonight on RFD-TV’s “Rural America Live” show to discuss infectious diseases.

The broadcast begins at 7 p.m. CDT and will welcome callers’ questions at 877-731-6733.

The hour-long show will focus on:

  • infectious diseases that are more common in rural areas due to exposure to animals, ticks and inhalation of dust and dirt;
  • infectious diseases that are risks when working and playing outdoors;
  • advice on how to stay healthy.

Rural America Live” is produced by RFD-TV. Find RFD-TV on local television providers.

See previous UNMC guests on “Rural America Live” on YouTube.

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