College of Allied Health Professions presents awards

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Dean Kyle Meyer, Ph.D., left, and Kim Michael, chair of the recognition and retention committee, far right, congratulated College of Allied Health Professions award winners, from left, Sarah Bills, D.P.T., Iman Ahmad, Ph.D., Barbara Robertson, and Joseph Norman, Ph.D. Fellow awardee Corrine Hanson, Ph.D., was traveling and had to miss the ceremony. (Photo/illustration by Fran Higgins)

The College of Allied Health Professions (CAHP) recently presented its annual faculty awards for research, scholarship and teaching in conjunction with the college’s Forum on Evidence-Based Medicine. The awards ceremony was simulcast at the Health Science Education Complex in Kearney, and a concurrent poster session was held at the HSEC.

More than 90 posters were presented, representing the work of more than 150 allied health students.

Corrine Hanson, Ph.D., associate director and associate professor in medical nutrition, Leuschen Professor for Advancing Research in the Allied Health Sciences, received the Significance in Research Award. The award is based on accomplishments, publications, research that adds significant knowledge to the scientific, clinical, or educational community, and contributions to the CAHP.

Iman Ahmad, Ph.D., assistant professor in the department of medical imaging and therapeutic sciences, received the Innovative Scholarship Award. This award recognizes a faculty member who has made significant contributions to the advancement of teaching in health professions education through the development of innovative teaching approaches, and who has disseminated their innovation, through presentations and publications.

Barbara Robertson was the recipient of the Excellence in Clinical Teaching Award, which recognizes a CAHP clinical instructor for excellence in clinical teaching and significant contributions to the educational development of future allied health professionals. Robertson, a nutrition specialist services therapist at Nebraska Medicine, is a longtime adjunct instructor.

Sara Bills, D.P.T., assistant professor in the division of physical therapy education, was honored for Excellence in Teaching. Recipients of this award hold a faculty appointment in the CAHP and demonstrate outstanding skills in directing learning, advising students, and facilitating effective interaction between faculty and students and between students.

Joseph Norman, Ph.D., professor in the division of physical therapy education, was honored for his Outstanding Service to the allied health professions. This award recognizes extraordinary contributions in health care, education or service that results in the significant advancement of the college and the allied health professions. Dr. Norman stepped aside as director of physical therapy last fall, after presiding over an impressive period of growth for the division.

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