Grant opportunity open to junior investigators

The Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development (CMTDD), a National Institutes of Health-supported Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) at UNMC, has announced its 2019 Request for Applications to fund innovative, well-developed pilot projects within the center’s thematic focus area of molecular target discovery and development.

The CMTDD pilot grants will award up to $75,000 for one year. Eligible applicants must be junior investigators who hold tenure-leading faculty appointments at the University of Nebraska and who have not had external, peer-reviewed Research Project Grant (RPG) or Program Project Grant (PPG) funding as a PD/PI. Grants for which an individual serves in a role other than PD/PI do not disqualify that investigator. AREA grants, exploratory/pilot project grants (such as NIH R03 and R21 awards), mentored career development awards (such as NIH K01 and K08 awards), or other federal or non-federal funding whose purpose is to provide preliminary support in anticipation of an RPG or PPG also do not disqualify the investigator.

Full details for this funding opportunity are available in the RFA.