Parents get free advice online March 1 on Baby Sleep Day

Brett Kuhn, Ph.D.

Brett Kuhn, Ph.D., a professor of pediatrics and psychology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center Munroe-Meyer Institute and Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, will be part of a panel of international pediatric sleep experts sharing information and answering parents’ questions on Friday, March 1.
Baby Sleep Day was created to raise awareness about the importance of quality sleep for babies and toddlers.
Dr. Kuhn and other experts will be responding to questions via the Pediatric Sleep Council’s Facebook page. The forum will be accessible to anyone at Dr. Kuhn will answer questions from 9 to 9:45 a.m. CST. The daylong schedule is posted at
Parents who want to ask questions need to login to their Facebook account to type their questions in the comment section of the council’s upcoming Baby Sleep Day Q&A post. Experts will answer as many questions as possible on the Facebook page.
Dr. Kuhn, a licensed psychologist who is certified in behavioral sleep medicine, is a member of the Pediatric Sleep Council, an international team of experts in sleep and development in young children. With the help of Johnson’s Baby, the group also created the website for parents. 
“Kids spend a third of their life sleeping, and it impacts just about every aspect of their life — growth, attention span and mood,” Dr. Kuhn said. “There can be an impact on parents and the entire family when kids aren’t sleeping well. Sometimes it impacts parents more than kids.
“Sleep problems can be fixed or managed. If there’s a daytime impact — if sleep problems impact school or a parent’s function or marriage, seek help. Oftentimes, sleep problems can be resolved fairly quickly — usually in two to three appointments,” Dr. Kuhn said.
Sleeping is a skill that needs to be learned. Much of getting a baby to sleep through the night involves getting them to be more independent — less reliant on parents to do things to get them to sleep. It’s a development process. For toddlers, there can be behavioral challenges — getting them in bed and keeping them there can be quite a chore.”
The Pediatric Sleep Council was created to provide accurate and up-to-date information on sleep in young children for parents. The goal is to provide comprehensive and expert-based information on baby and toddler sleep that is freely available to the public.
Dr. Kuhn currently directs the behavioral sleep medicine clinic at the Children’s Sleep Disorders Center at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center where he supervises medical residents, sleep fellows, and psychology interns in the assessment and treatment of pediatric sleep disorders.
He served as co-editor of “Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders: A Comprehensive Primer of Behavioral Sleep Medicine Interventions.” He also co-authored a popular press book, The Toddler Owner’s Manual: Operating Instructions, Troubleshooting Tips, and Advice on System Maintenance.”
For more information about Dr. Kuhn, go to: