COM resident of the month

Name: Brittany Brown, MD
Medical school you attended/year you graduated: UNMC from 2010-2014
Residency/fellowship at UNMC:
Anesthesiology, 2014-2018
Pediatric anesthesiology, 2018-2019 (UNMC/Children’s Hospital & Medical Center)
Program director: Michelle LeRiger, MD
How long is your training program and how long have you been at UNMC:
Anesthesiology is a four-year training program including one year of internship and three years of clinical anesthesiology. Pediatric anesthesiology, like all current fellowships in anesthesiology, takes one year to complete. Including medical school, this is my ninth year at UNMC.
What do you like the most about your training program:
The people are what make our program great. The attendings are supportive and knowledgeable. They work to challenge and engage us clinically. The staff at Children’s (especially in the operating room, pre-op and the post-surgical recovery areas) are incredibly kind, insightful and excellent patient advocates. They have taught me a lot. It has been a pleasure working with and getting to know them.
What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future:
I think the future of medicine is bright and vast but offers the unique challenge of balancing medical education and administrative tasks without compromising clinical experience.
List some accomplishments that you are proud of:

  • Traveling to Rwanda for a global health initiative where our team completed 33 partial thyroidectomies;
  • Serving as a resident representative on the Graduate Medical Education Committee; and
  • Being elected chief resident.

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:

  • I once dressed as the Nesquik® bunny (for a job) and got to ride on a Zamboni.
  • Cauliflower is my least favorite vegetable.
  • And most importantly, I have an incredible little girl who is almost four months old.


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