Great Plains IDeA-CTR highlights current pilot awardees

The Great Plains IDeA-Clinical and Translational Research (GP IDeA-CTR) Network is recognizing pilot awardees who are currently working on projects to advance health across the region.

The goal of the pilot program, administered through a National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant, is to provide support to the most promising and novel clinical and translational research (CTR) projects and help investigators obtain preliminary data necessary for successful investigator-initiated extramural grants.

To achieve this goal, selected scientists and health professionals are provided up to $50,000 to assist initial research efforts for one year. A total of 23 individuals were funded by this program.

Ten investigators from UNMC and 13 investigators from institutional partners were chosen: one from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, two from Boys Town National Research Hospital, four from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, three from the University of South Dakota, two from the University of North Dakota, and one from North Dakota State University.

To find out more about these awardees and their research, click here.

The 2019 funded pilot awardees will be announced by July 1.

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