LiveGreen: Changes to daily rate flex parking

The completion of the construction in Parking Lot 1 has allowed the campus to add much needed daily rate flex parking (DRFP) stalls in two locations on the Omaha campus.

Lot 6, newest parking garage located on the southwest corner of 41st & Dewey Streets:

Twenty-one stalls were added in Lot 6; the stalls are all located on the top level and are marked with standard DRFP signage for daily rate parking only (picture above).

Lot 17, located on the southwest side of campus (to access Lot 17, enter at 45th and Leavenworth streets):
Fourteen stalls were added to Lot 17, the stalls are adjacent to the stairway that leads from Lot 17 to Emile Street.

Please refer to DRFP Map for exact locations, as well as photographs of locations for your reference.

As a reminder, DRFP spaces are for individuals who are coming to main UNMC/Nebraska Medicine campus for work-related purposes and don’t have a parking permit. They are often TravelSmart participants but can also be colleagues who work at other locations coming for meetings or to cover shifts, or casual employees who have inconsistent schedules and choose not to have a parking permit.

Colleagues and students with a parking permit cannot use DRFP and will be ticketed if they do so. If you do not have your parking permit with you, please call the parking office for validation.

For information on using DRFP, to get the free Park Omaha app (which also can be used to park in other locations in Omaha), or website payment instructions, please visit our website.

Are you a TravelSmartie? Participating in TravelSmart is always free, a great way to save money, is generally better for your health, and reduces both emissions and traffic congestion.

Not sure? If you have thought of riding the bus, walking, biking, or carpooling, but aren’t sure where to start, need help finding a bus route or carpool partner, email and we will be happy to help! There’s no commitment required in looking at options or contacting us, and the free emergency ride home will be available to you too.

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