MMI’s Trunk or Treat draws 500

Dressed in costume, the UNMC Munroe-Meyer Institute family recently hosted its second annual Trunk or Treat for children with disabilities and their families.
Nearly 500 people enjoyed the trick-or-treating fun on Oct. 28.

MMI and community partners distributed treats from the trunks of 18 parked cars in an area designed to provide the maximum amount of fun with the least amount of distance to travel.

View the Flickr album of Trunk or Treat photos and find out who, from MMI, dressed as a jester.

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  1. Dawn says:

    This is such a great even. I loved seeing the pictures! Dr. XXXX makes a great jester.

  2. Bunny Washington says:

    How GREAT…our second "Trunk or Treat" is a HUGE success…congrats to all those who took part !!

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