UNMC’s 2018 Planning Information and Quality Indicators Report has been completed and is now available to view here.
The book is prepared annually for the Breakthrough Thinking Conference, held this year in April. It compiles facts and figures from the preceding year, including major accomplishments, as well as highlighting strategic and operational initiatives for the future.
The past year’s major initiatives highlighted in the book include the growth of collaboration between UNMC and the University of Nebraska at Omaha; the Davis Global Center; UNeTech’s first year; and the Child Health Research Initiative.
“Once again, this has been an exceptional year for UNMC,” writes Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., in a message included in the book. “The future is equally exciting with new opportunities for UNMC and our primary clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, to lead the world in transforming lives. We continue to provide opportunity for Nebraska’s brightest students and fill the workforce and health care needs of our state. We’ve deployed mobile training trucks that help train rural EMTs and small-town hospital personnel across Nebraska.”
The report is available to the public. To read the report, click here.