Lookin’ at U: Sean Navarrette

Sean Navarrette

Each Thursday, we randomly feature a medical center employee. This week, we learn more about:

  • Name: Sean Navarrette
  • Hometown: Fremont, Neb.
  • No. of years at UNMC: Five years as an employee, and I was an M.P.H. student at the College of Public Health before that.

Tell us about what you do here at UNMC.

I’m the community engagement coordinator for the Great Plains IDeA-CTR Network. My job is to help bridge the gap between our researchers and the community. There is quite a bit that goes into that but essentially the network’s goal is to strengthen the infrastructure for clinical and translational research (CTR) in our region, which includes Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota.

A major component of that is connecting the work of researchers to the needs of communities. That involves offering tools and opportunities to teach investigators how to better engage communities and increase community participation in research.

We also work to better understand and prioritize community health concerns that may be addressed through research. I’m always looking for ways to get community members more involved in research. And, of course, I operate the network’s social media pages (@GPIDeACTR on Facebook and Twitter). ‘Challenging, but fun’ best describes my work here.

Courage is one of UNMC’s brand values. Tell us of a time you witnessed a person or group demonstrating courage at UNMC.

I witness courage at UNMC all the time. My wife is an internal medicine doctor here, and I have friends who work all over campus. I frequently hear stories of folks going above and beyond to assist our community. I personally know researchers working to help people through a cancer diagnosis, working with kids through behavioral health issues, trying to find ways to mitigate the opioid epidemic. There’s a lot of great things being done at UNMC and throughout our network.

What is your favorite summer activity?

Swimming and hiking. And, since I’m a father now, embarrassing my kid.

List three things people may not know about you.

  • I’m a huge Star Wars nerd.
  • I’ve recently started brewing my own beer.
  • I’ve memorized Dr. Seuss’ “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” It’s one of my son’s favorite books and I’ve read it often.
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1 comment

  1. Todd Wyatt says:

    Sean, you'd better bring some of that home brew over to our lab for safety testing. I'd say a six-pack should be a sufficient volume for our assays 😉

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