Re-Imagining U fall registration now open

The fall semester begins Sept. 1 for Re-Imagining U, the UNMC Department of Human Resources’ employee learning and development program for UNMC and UNO employees to contribute toward ongoing skill development.

Registration now open

The fall 2018 catalog is available and registration is now open, accessible via the Re-Imagining U website.

Please remember: Before registering, employees should review all desired courses with their supervisors and discuss how they connect into their professional development plans. Employees must work with managers or supervisors to ensure coverage during time out of office and to ensure that all employees will have a chance to attend courses.

A great lineup of courses and partnership presentations will be available. Fall offerings include:

  • Service from the Inside Out: Building on the strengths we have in internal customer service at UNMC and UNO, using “Appreciative Inquiry” with individual goal setting.
  • Leadership Defined 301: Myers-Briggs Assessment and Debrief Opportunity (extra cost for this assessment — need cost center approval to register)
  • New: Deep Dive Four-Month Cohort Program on Getting Things Done: Need help getting truly organized and able to deliver everything on your plate? Then “Getting Things Done” is for you. (Book required.)
  • New: Deep Dive Four-Month Cohort Program on Creating an Individual Development Plan: Need help organizing your thoughts on your skill development and why you want to develop? Then “Development 301” is for you. (Book required.)
  • Three Keys to Unlocking Your Motivation and Understanding Others: In this session, participants will be introduced to three sets of interpersonal needs, how they show up in the workplace, and how we can use the information to improve motivation and engagement in ourselves and our colleagues.
  • Aging: Imagining Your Future Self: This session will engage attendees to think about their own aging experience. Whether 20, 40, or even 60, thinking about one’s own aging is always in good form. Topics will include the physical, psychological/spiritual, social, financial and environmental aspects of aging.

Re-Imagining U was launched last year with great numbers of colleagues engaging in the opportunities for skill development. This fall, in response to great participant feedback, the program is offering more courses and opportunities to engage employees across UNMC and UNO. If you have not yet engaged Re-Imagining U, come to an open Q&A session with Diane Kortus, the UNMC human resources employee training and development specialist who manages the Re-Imagining U program, on Aug. 28, from 1-2 p.m. in the Student Life Center, Room 3013.

Here are just a few of the enhancements for fall 2018 semester:

  • Ability to register for multiple courses at once.
  • More course offerings to distant campus locations through “Zoom Room”-hosted opportunities. If you are interested in hosting any of the Zoom Capable Courses in your location, call Kortus at 402-559-8955.
  • New cohort programs for more extensive learning outcomes.
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  1. Brandi Tate says:

    The Re-Imagining U website link is not working.

  2. Diane Ratigan Kortus says:

    Some of the RIU pages will cache on your machine so if they look like the old catalog or webpage, just click refresh and that should update it for you.

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