COM resident of the month

Name: Lucas Stenzel, MD

Medical school you attended/year you graduated:

–Attended the University of Texas Medical School at Houston

–Graduated May 30, 2014

Residency/fellowship at UNMC:  Neurology

Program director:  Sachin Kedar, MD

How long is your training program and how long have you been at UNMC?

–Neurology residency training is four years.

–My current training level is year four.

What do you like the most about your training program?

–The program is very responsive to the needs of its residents.

–The neurology residents are genuinely friends with each other outside of work.

What challenges do you foresee in graduate medical education in the future?

The balance is shifting away from education and patient care toward a growing administrative and documentation burden, which makes it more difficult for trainees to take advantage of the learning opportunities available in residency, decreases clinical competency at the time of graduation, and exponentially increases burnout.

List some accomplishments that you are proud of:

–Neurology chief resident, July 2017 – present

–Neurology assistant chief resident, July 2016 – June 2017

–2016 Resident as Teacher of the Year

Tell us three things about you that others may not know:

–I will someday leave medicine behind for a career in gold mining – seriously.

–As a child, I wanted to be a railroad locomotive engineer when I grew up.

–I love things that cause an adrenaline rush – skydiving, rollercoasters, high speeds, etc.

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